We Craft Super Web Apps

We, people from Europe, are very well known for our craftsmanship and ingenuity. Who didn't hear about German cars, Italian Design, Czech Beer?

But have you ever heard about software from Slovakia?

Well, it is time to establish something new.

How can we help you today?

We build easy to use and functional software for people like you.
We excel at recognizing potential business opportunities, setting clear objectives, and creating tailored solutions to elevate your business to new heights.
We have 25+ years of experience in the industry with building, deploying, and maintaining various Business IT Solutions.
So, how can we help you today?

Recent Hron.One Projects

Here you can buy and sell everything and anything - from used goods via digital products to brand new and handmade items.

Rebrand with a domain, password protect it, track it, target it, splash it and build UTM for every URL PLUS much more.

Hroner is a free chat portal and one of the fastest chats in existence. We have built it in 2023 because we didn't find any chat online that suits our needs.

Any Questions?